I feel like a new woman today, this morning i felt abit grimey, sore and swollen but this afternoon ive felt amazing. (i’ll prob be eating my own words tomorrow but right now im going to relish in the moment!!)

Ive managed to eat some (soft) dinner pain free, i ate some crisps…pain free and have coughed…PAIN FREE!!

Its a bloody miracle! God bless you whom ever is looking over me, you’ve heard my prayers that this pain will bugger off. Dont get me wrong, my throat still feels swollen and odd, but painless/numb. And no before you ask i have overdosed on my medications either.

Roll on tomorrow, i can finally see the light and it is shinging bright!

Its been a week today since the op……

I slept really well lastnight, waking only once at around 2:50am to take some medication. It was so nice to sleep that well, to be honest it was just what i needed. Ive managed to eat abit more today, but every evening meal is disasterous.

Very tender to the throat, it feels quite swollen again today. Ive checked it out in the mirror and i can see bits of pink flesh under the white rankness, im assuming that the scabs are starting to drop and the pink skin is my new raw flesh underneath. God i’ll be glad when this goes, especially the earaches which are as bold as brass still.


Managed to keep myself pretty upbeat today, cleared the front garden and kept myself busy doing my favourite hobby….entering online competitions.

Lastnight was horrific, i laid awake from about 11:30pm-1am in the worst pain i have ever experienced, worse than  labour pains with my son. Id taken above my quota of medications for the day and yet was left in the worst pain i have ever experienced. I ended up phoning the out of hours doctors at 1am and they advised me to take Oramorph for the pain.

I darent say the medicine wasnt mine and was actually a bottle we had left over from my fiances motorbike accident, so i took some. Not the 5ml they suggested but 7ml instead. I was desperate! Desperate to sleep and desperate to rid myslef of the pain.The pain was overwhelming and crippling me, tears ran down my face as even breathing and moving hurt. I cant find words to explain the pain, there is none!!!

I think i managed to settle off at about 2am, and then once again at 5:45am i woke to more pain. Its a joke, i honestly never expected this degree of pain. Im not sure how much more of it i can take if im brutally honest!!!

Even the nurse on the phone in the middle of the night said a tonsillectomy recovery is one of the most awful pains to experience. Its hell, a living bloody hell!!

I’ve spend most of the day lounging around, i didnt get out of my jims untils around 11am, and didnt leave the house until gone 4pm. Ive felt grim allday and this evenings pain is already starting to settle in nicely, and once again i have taken the recommended amount of drugs for the day. Im holding out taking the Oramorph until tonight, i need to sleep.

Its day 5 today, and i have finally been for a poo! It was getting to the point that i though i might need some meds to sort this shit out (quite literally) but thankfully natures seems to have taken its own course. So lastnight was the family meal, even eating icecream hurt my throat, it was quite frankly a disaster. Lastnights sleep was no walk in the park eaither to be honest, i managed to wake about 5 times in sheer agony, my ears hurting so badly that the pillow felt like stone. I know i’am only supposed to take my anti inflammororys three times again but i had to take them once in the night aswell.

I dont think i have even felt so miserable, the pain in really quite unbearable at times, and where have these earaches come from? The doctors never mentioned this in the recovery information.

My partner phoned erlier, his almost walked out of his job today. This has been an ongoing problem for sometime now and its starting to get me down a little bit. I really feel for Dean, he is a hardworker and his new employer of 3months has really taken this piss. You see…..

Dean had a motorbike accident 3 days into starting his new job, it was a hit and run and he suffered a broken collarbone,fractured ribs and nerve damage to his left hip. So therefore was signed off sick of 6 weeks, since his been back at work the employer has been a total arsehole, talking down at Dean, swearing at him and making him feel worthless and rundown. This is now the third time in 3 months Dean has considered walking out of this job. We keep applying for new jobs but its a tough call, there isnt alot about at the moment.

I woke at 5am this morning, with my tender throat feeling like a quarry, equipped with the miners hacking away!!

I didnt manage to get my pain relief under control until about 1pm, and it only seems to have lasted until 7pm. It sucks! To be honest im fed up and my throat feels like its closing up. My tounge achs and hurts and my throat feels like hell. The family meal was a disatser tonight, not only did my two year old son cry the whole way through but i got half way through my meal and couldnt eat anymore. There in front of me sat a roast beef dinner and it looked and smelt divine. Yet every bit was a nightmare, my mouth hurting so badly i was wincing at the pain. I couldnt eat anymore than a few carrots and one roast potato. I would have been better company if id have stayed at home.

I even tried to eat ice cream for desert and that was hellish too. I feel like giving up today. Im so sore.

I wake up Friday morning and i feel like death, my throat feels like its doubled in size and yet feels like ive had most of it removed at the same time. I take a sneaky glance in the mirror at it, and god i wish i hadnt. Its looks revolting! Its white and grey and looks like its rotting.

My toungue is thick and white and despite brushing my teeth 3 times i cant get rid of a vile tatse in my mouth. My partner is back at work today, so im on my own with our two year old son. Its full on, and im starting to think this wasnt such a wise idea. Come lunch time i feel extremely nauseous, on a few occasions i think im going to throw up right there and then, then the fear of the pain of being sick with my throat as raw as it is overcomes the feels of nausea. I manage to eat a packet of crisps and two hard boiled eggs but its a struggle and takes about 45 mins to eat just that.

Im thankfull when my little boy has finished his lunch because it means he will lay on the sofa and nap for 2 hours, im desperate to sleep. Im overwelmed by the tiredness, i can barely keep my eyes open so i curl up on the other sofa and fall asleep. When i wake my throat feels hideous, so dry and sore from where ive been asleep. I cant bare it, im in tears as i feel so sick. I knew today was going to be too much, too soon.


I call my partner at work, asking him to come home an hour early, i feel terrible. The nausea is crippling me and so is the pain. Im sitting on the sofa crying my eyes out, i can barely talk and i wish i could turn back time and never had this operation done.


Within 15 minutes my other half is home and we trundle off to the doctors surgery, as soon as i get into the doctors room i tell him ive had a tonsillectomy and he said “oh, thats not nice” so reassuring that this is possibly the worst pain ive ever experienced, worse than labour!! (at least that only lasted a few hours)

He takes a ganders at my throat and tells me to stop taking the Ibroprofen and Codine the hospital sent me home with and to start taking Diclofenac along side Paracetamol. Nothing seems to touch this pain so im keeping everything crossed that this works!!

Its Thursday and im going home today, and blimey im thirsty! I had a pretty crap nights sleep and feel exhausted. I stay at the hospital for lunch and dont feel too bad, considering all the horror stories ive heard about having tonsils removed i guess i must be one of the lucky ones. Come 2pm im heading home, and cannot wait to get into my own bed and have a proper nap, im so so sleepy.

Wedsnesday 29th August 2012 came upon me like a brick to the head. The day of my tonsillectomy!

Cue lots of nervous poo’s, lots of pretending it wasnt happening and lots of hunger.

I arrived at the hospital for 10:15am and was shown to my hospital bed on the ward. My surgery wasnt until the afternoon, and id not eaten since 7:00am. I was starving! Only being allowed to drink water cheesed me right off aswell.

Me head was a buzz of fears and thoughts….MRSA,bleeding,waking up during surgery and being in lots of pain once the surgery was over. For this was my first operation and i was crapping it!

Mum was with me, but i didnt want to make small talk, i just wanted to be out of there like a shot. All the waiting and worrying had left me a bit of a state despite the calm exterior i was showing.

Around 12pm i got into my gown and circulation stockings, i looked hideous to say the least, everyone on the ward the same. All i kept thinking was “i’am not a number”

Fast forward a few hours and 2:30pm arrives, so does a porter named Martin who is about to wheel me down to get my line put in and be knocked out for theatre. I feel extremely anxious and abit shaky but try to convince myself it’ll be over before i know it.

He wheels me into the lift and makes a lame joke about going down the stairs in the hospital bed, i know his trying to make me feel better but i just want to punch him in the face and tell him to shut up. I dont want to talk to anyone, i just want to go home!

For a moment, i’am distracted when Martin and a nurse start talking about a wealthy patient who was some prince. He had a silver service,food cooked especially and lots of flowers delivered which had be to stuck out in the lobby becuase their not allowed in the wards.

Yet before i know it and have had time to earwig their converstaion in wheeled into the anesthetic room. Im greeted by a young man who is going to put my line in….well make an attempt which was an epic fail on his behalf!

So im laying there, and he faffs around trying to find a decent vein in the back of my hand. He pokes around with the needle pushing so hard im wincing in pain, they have to put the oxygen mask on me to calm me down. This is the last shit i need!

An older gentleman is to my right, he looks like Rolf Harris and says i can hold his hand. I liked him, he really did look like Rolf Harris and was quite happy to talk to me about my two year old son to try and take my mind off the butchering of my left hand.

In the end another anaesthetist got the line in my hand, after telling the younger guy that he had gone under the vein!

They started pumping me full of the good stuff and before i know it, i can feel myself drifting away.

Next thing i know, im in recovery and am talking complete crap to the nurses, aparantly i started talking about my son and that he was with my mother in law and then i said “ive been dreaming about ebay”

I can feel blood in my mouth and go to spit, however im spitting in my oxygen mask, still dazed and confused i guess. I start to shake…uncontrollably, they tell me its normal but i cant control it, so on the oxygen mask goes again. It makes my nose itch and is drying out my lips and mouth.

Within half and hour im wheeled back onto the ward, mums there and its nice to see a familiar face. I dont feel too bad, and actually feel pretty hungry. Ive got away with the pain i think…….